Monday, April 5, 2010

Figure 4...and?

Hello all.

Should you stop by the opening this Thursday, you might catch a not-so-subtle glimpse of upcoming figures.



  1. Hi there--

    I'm a student at Puget Sound, and my friend Griffen Hotchkiss just introduced me to your project (he's putting together the Campus Music Network album). I'm very intrigued! I love plants, art, science, and posters. And I especially love the way you are bringing all of those things together in a really cool way!

    I wish I would have found out about Street Botany before the Mad Hatter Show...

    In any case, I am writing a literary journalism piece for a class, and I would love to write about your project! I'm also thinking about submitting the piece to the Bygone Bureau--an online magazine that publishes culture features and is edited by a few other Puget Sound alums. Is there any way that we could get together to chat in the next week or two?

    If you're interested, please contact me at

    I hope to hear from you!
    Jenny Barron

  2. Hi, Saw your art at Valhalla today. It's beautiful.
