Thursday, November 12, 2009

Dear all,

Figure 1 is the first of many figures. They will all be products of art and science and plants, and they will appear periodically in the months to come.

These figures will be posted around town. If one appears to be posted with direction, it was so placed because I appreciate the particular location and what it offers to the community. If one appears to be posted randomly, it almost certainly was.

Please pay as much attention to the posters as you like. I anticipate that many will be removed, most will be discarded, some will fall off or down, and a few will be kept.

I was hoping in this final paragraph to strip down my motivations for such a project into a single cohesive purpose. But, I am not quite sure how to synthesize the personal and public elements of my motivation. So for now, my purposes are simply: 1) to artistically explore the science-based concepts living in my brain, and 2) to share some pretty pictures with this town.



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